Understanding the Basics of Functional Nutrition and Creating a Functional Nutrition Plan

Understanding the Basics of Functional Nutrition and Creating a Functional Nutrition Plan


Q: What is the difference between functional medicine and functional nutrition?
A: Functional medicine treats health problems as part of the whole interconnected body system, while functional nutrition focuses on dietary habits and considers food as a fundamental component of health.

Q: How does a functional nutrition practitioner develop a customized program for a client?
A: Functional nutrition practitioners typically conduct a comprehensive evaluation of a client’s medical history, organ systems, medication and supplement history, current diet and lifestyle habits, previous medical testing and results, and nutrient tests to gauge potential deficiencies.

Q: What are the main principles of following a functional nutrition plan?
A: The main principles include filling up on essential nutrients, avoiding toxic growing conditions, sticking with quality foods, prioritizing gut health, and tending to your microbiome.

Functional nutrition is a customizable holistic health perspective that considers every aspect of health, diet, and lifestyle when providing nutrition recommendations. By understanding the interconnected nature of the body and focusing on dietary habits, functional nutrition can support healing from the cellular level. Embracing functional nutrition principles and working with a functional nutrition expert can help you optimize your health and well-being.

Functional nutrition is the healthcare of the future, offering answers to significant health problems and emphasizing holistic thinking in addressing individual health concerns. By adopting a functional nutrition approach, you can start supporting your body with nutrition and working towards optimal health.