Transforming Lives: The Journey of Tiffany Brown at

Transforming Lives: The Journey of Tiffany Brown at

Health and Human Services Disclaimer Policy

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a strict disclaimer policy when it comes to external links on their website. It’s important to be aware of this policy to ensure that you are fully informed when navigating their site. Below is a breakdown of the key points in the HHS disclaimer policy:

Accuracy Not Guaranteed: HHS cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on non-federal websites that are linked from their site. It’s important to verify information from these sources independently.

Endorsement Disclaimer: Just because HHS links to a non-federal website does not mean that they endorse the sponsors, information, or products found on that website. These links are provided for additional information only.

Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: By clicking on an external link from the HHS website, you will be subject to the privacy policy and terms of service of the destination website. It’s essential to review these policies before proceeding.

Accessibility Disclaimer: HHS is not responsible for ensuring that external websites meet Section 508 compliance (accessibility standards). Users should be aware of this when visiting non-federal sites.

For more information on HHS’s web notification policies, visit their Website Disclaimers page.


Q: Why does HHS have a disclaimer policy for external links?
A: HHS wants to ensure that users are aware of the limitations and responsibilities associated with navigating to non-federal websites from their site.

Q: Can I trust the information on external websites linked from the HHS website?
A: HHS does not guarantee the accuracy of information on external websites and encourages users to verify information independently.

Q: Is HHS responsible for the accessibility of external websites?
A: No, HHS is not responsible for ensuring that external websites meet Section 508 compliance standards.


It’s important to be mindful of the disclaimer policy set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services when browsing their website. Understanding the limitations and responsibilities associated with external links can help users make informed decisions and navigate the site safely. Be sure to review the FAQ section for answers to common questions about the HHS disclaimer policy.