Shantiqua’s Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle: An Update on Her Weight Loss Success

Shantiqua’s Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle: An Update on Her Weight Loss Success

Shantiqua’s Weight Loss Journey: Balancing Cardio and Weight Training

Shantiqua’s weight loss journey began in 2018 after the birth of her second child. At over 300 pounds, she felt defeated but determined to make a change. Through a combination of healthy eating and regular exercise, she was able to transform her body and her life.

One of the key lessons Shantiqua learned along the way was the importance of balancing cardio and weight training. While she started with lots of cardio, she eventually incorporated weight lifting to prevent muscle loss.

Her dedication to her health and well-being has paid off, as she has lost over 120 pounds and now weighs 200 pounds. Shantiqua’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and determination in achieving weight loss goals.


What motivated Shantiqua to change her lifestyle?

Shantiqua was motivated to change her lifestyle after the birth of her second child when she realized she was over 300 pounds. She felt defeated but determined to make a change for herself and her family.

How did Shantiqua change her exercise and eating habits?

Shantiqua put herself in a calorie deficit with the help of a nutritionist and used MyFitnessPal to track her food intake. She started with lots of cardio and eventually incorporated weight lifting into her workout routine.

What is Shantiqua’s starting weight and current weight?

Shantiqua’s starting weight was 310 pounds, and her current weight is 200 pounds. Her lowest weight doing cardio was 170 pounds.

What is the biggest lesson Shantiqua has learned so far?

Shantiqua learned the importance of doing a mixture of cardio and weight lifting to prevent muscle loss. She found that solely focusing on cardio led to a loss of muscle mass.


Shantiqua’s weight loss journey is an inspiring example of the power of perseverance and determination. By finding a balance between cardio and weight training, she was able to transform her body and improve her overall health. Her story serves as a reminder that with dedication and hard work, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals.