Shameless Plug: Reed Smith group authors product legal responsibility chapter for digital well being legislation information

Shameless Plug: Reed Smith group authors product legal responsibility chapter for digital well being legislation information

As our loyal readers know, the weblog has been conserving a detailed eye on plaintiffs’ efforts to use . That is after all an space of eager curiosity to medical gadget, software program, and tech corporations lively or coming into the digital well being house.

The weblog’s personal , with Reed Smith co-authors Gerry Stegmaier, Jamie Lanphear, and Michael Rubayo, has now written a really thorough chapter on this topic for the ’ fourth version of its information. Titled “,” the chapter is geared toward aiding gadget producers and software program builders in digital well being in anticipating, making ready for, and responding to this doubtlessly quickly altering legal responsibility panorama.

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