Nice Weather But Starting to Warm Up – BionicOldGuy

Nice Weather But Starting to Warm Up – BionicOldGuy

Sunday was a hard ride down to Gilroy on the rural roads on the East side of the valley. I went for a brisk tempo ride of a bit over an hour than did some hard intervals and sprints on the way back. Monday I did my strength training followed by a short recovery ride.

Tuesday my group did a rural ramble out to Redwood Retreat road southwest of Morgan Hill. This was a really nice day for a ride with beautiful scenery. I kept it at my “brisk but comfortable” pace on my e-bike. Yesterday I did another hard ride similar to Sunday’s but this time to the Northwest to South San Jose. The weather has been sunny lately and cooler in the morning when I first start out, but is getting a little warmer later in the day- it feels like summer is on the way.

Sunday’s ride is posted on Strava here, Tuesday ride here, Wednesday here.

Taking a break on Day road on the way out to Redwood Retreat.
The hills at the corner of Redwood Retreat road and Watsonville road.

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