Friday Faves: Top Picks and a Chance to Win!

Friday Faves: Top Picks and a Chance to Win!

If you’re a pet owner, you know the joy and relief that comes with seeing your furry friend back to their happy, healthy self after a bout of illness or injury. In this case, Gina from Fitnessista shared the heartwarming news that her dog Maisey had fully recovered from a mysterious jaw issue and was once again chasing after her beloved ball with vigor.

But beyond the heartwarming update on Maisey’s recovery, Gina also shared some interesting insights from her vet about the benefits of Maisey’s obsession with fetch. Surprisingly, the vet explained that the repetitive motion of fetching and chewing on the ball could actually be beneficial for Maisey’s jaw, helping to restore function more quickly.

This unique perspective sheds light on the idea that sometimes, what may seem like a simple and playful activity for our pets can actually have hidden benefits for their health and well-being. It serves as a reminder to pay attention to the little things that bring joy to our furry companions and how they might be contributing to their overall health.


Q: Can playing fetch actually be good for my dog’s jaw?
A: Yes, repetitive activities like fetching and chewing on toys can help strengthen your dog’s jaw muscles and may even aid in the recovery from certain jaw issues.

Q: How can I incorporate more playtime into my pet’s routine?
A: Set aside dedicated playtime each day for interactive games like fetch, tug-of-war, or hide-and-seek to keep your pet stimulated and engaged.

Q: What are some signs that my pet may be experiencing jaw issues?
A: Watch for signs of discomfort while eating, excessive drooling, difficulty chewing, and reluctance to play with toys. If you notice any of these signs, consult your vet for a thorough examination.

In conclusion, while we often think of playtime as a fun and lighthearted activity for our pets, it’s worth considering the potential health benefits it can provide. So next time your furry friend nudges their favorite toy in your direction, remember that it’s not just playtime – it could be contributing to their overall well-being. Cheers to happy, healthy pets and the joy they bring to our lives!