Friday Faves 4.12 – The Fitnessista

Friday Faves 4.12 – The Fitnessista

Hi friends! Happy Friday!! How was the week? I hope you had an amazing one. Ours was good; busy as usual, but time for some fun in the mix of school and work stuff.

What’s going on this weekend? P has a basketball game and a birthday party, and it’s her First Communion. We’re having brunch to celebrate with the fam. Liv has dance, it’s our nephew’s bday, and the Pilot and I have a date night. We also want to plant all of the spring/summer flowers and veggies! I let everything die last year with the , so I’m looking forward to starting over. I’d love to hear what you have going on.

(Pic from a fun event last weekend with friends)

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves. 4.12

Read, watch, listen:

So excited to be a guest on the this week. You can check out the episode

Abby Jimenez is one of my fave spring/summer authors because her books are perfectly light and fluffy, with fun storylines and witty banter.

(Crepe date with my little loves.)

Fitness, health, + good eats:

from Baked by Melissa. My friend Betsy posted about it weeks ago and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It definitely lived up to expectations.

I’ve been enjoying the and have learned so much already. I’m excited to implement these strategies with my 1:1 clients (and myself!). If you’re interested in this certification, you can and use the code FITNESSISTA for $100 off.

Fashion + beauty:

I have my eye on this but am not sure about the color. I adore the lace and the cut, so I might go for it.

! I took , and it told me to try (which I already adore) and . This one smells so luxe and ages beautifully as it dries. It’s floral with a warmth from the amber, and I can definitely see why it’s a bestseller. . This is my favorite way to try all of them, and see which one works the best on your skin.


(they have a ton of colors, too)

Happy Friday, friends! Have an amazing weekend and thank you so much for stopping by the blog today.
