Exploring Methods for Evaluating Family Spillover Effects in Healthcare Technology Assessments

Exploring Methods for Evaluating Family Spillover Effects in Healthcare Technology Assessments

Family spillover effects in health technology assessments (HTA) and cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) have long been recognized as important factors to consider in evaluating healthcare interventions. A recent paper by Campbell et al. (2024) delves into this topic and provides recommendations to support the consistent and transparent evaluation of validated family spillover effects.

The authors of the paper developed these recommendations through a literature review, expert interviews, and an expert workshop. The expert panel consisted of various stakeholders, including patient advocates, health economists, outcomes researchers, a health policy expert, and a payer. Together, they came up with 15 recommendations with medium to high consensus for three different stakeholder groups: HTA agencies, researchers who develop models, and researchers who collect and analyze data on family spillovers.

These recommendations aim to improve the incorporation of family spillover effects into HTA and CEA processes, ultimately leading to more comprehensive and accurate assessments of healthcare interventions. By considering the impact on family members and caregivers, decision-makers can better understand the full value and implications of a given healthcare intervention.

To gain further insights into these recommendations and their implications, it is recommended to read the full article by Campbell et al. (2024) available at the Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy website.


Q: What are family spillover effects in healthcare assessments?
A: Family spillover effects refer to the impact that a health condition or treatment has on family members and caregivers of the patient. This can include emotional, financial, and practical burdens borne by family members as a result of the patient’s healthcare needs.

Q: Why are family spillover effects important in health technology assessments?
A: Family spillover effects are important to consider in healthcare assessments because they provide a more comprehensive understanding of the true impact of a healthcare intervention. By acknowledging the impact on family members, decision-makers can make more informed choices about the value and benefits of a given intervention.

Q: How can stakeholders implement the recommendations provided in the paper by Campbell et al. (2024)?
A: Stakeholders, including HTA agencies, researchers, and policymakers, can implement the recommendations by incorporating them into their evaluation processes. This may involve updating assessment models, collecting data on family spillover effects, and considering these effects in decision-making.

In conclusion, the recommendations put forth by Campbell et al. (2024) offer a valuable framework for addressing family spillover effects in healthcare assessments. By considering the impact on family members and caregivers, stakeholders can improve the accuracy and comprehensiveness of their evaluations, leading to better-informed decisions and ultimately, improved healthcare outcomes.