Disconnected: Navigating Menopause

Disconnected: Navigating Menopause

The Truth About Menopause: A Different Perspective

Menopause, a natural life stage marking the end of menstruation, is a journey that most women undergo with unique experiences and symptoms. Unfortunately, there is a lack of attention paid to this transition and how to effectively treat it. In a recent publication from The Lancet, there was debate on whether menopause should be “treated” and how it should be approached.

While conventional treatment options often focus on estrogen therapy, this may not be the best solution and can potentially cause harm. Dr. Mary Claire Haver, a menopause specialist, criticized The Lancet series for being outdated and out of touch with the reality of menopausal women’s experiences.

## Is Menopause Over-Medicalized?

The discussion on whether menopause is over-medicalized revolves around the idea that medical intervention may not always be necessary. However, for some women, medical treatments can offer relief from debilitating symptoms. Each woman’s journey through perimenopause and menopause is unique and may benefit from a personalized healthcare approach.

## Most Women Go Through Menopause Without Getting Help

Many women are not educated about menopause and are not aware of treatment options for their symptoms. The lack of preparedness among healthcare providers in treating menopausal women contributes to many women suffering needlessly. The reliance on pharmaceuticals to address individual symptoms without a holistic approach can lead to ineffective treatment.

## Mood Changes and Depression Are Common in Menopause

Depressive symptoms and mood changes are prevalent during menopause, yet there is a lack of recognition of these issues in the medical community. The impact of menopause on brain structure and connectivity can lead to an increased vulnerability to depression. Women with a history of depression are at a higher risk of developing major depressive disorder during menopause.

## Menopausal Women Have Normal Estrogen Levels in Tissues

The conventional belief that menopause is marked by low estrogen levels is challenged by research showing that estrogen synthesis remains active in tissues even in menopausal women. Hormone replacement therapy involving estrogen may not address the root cause of menopausal symptoms and could have detrimental effects.

## Low Progesterone — Not Low Estrogen — Drives Night Sweats

Hot flashes and night sweats, common symptoms of menopause, are often attributed to low estrogen levels. However, research suggests that low progesterone, rather than low estrogen, may be the primary driver of night sweats. Progesterone supplementation has shown to improve night sweats and sleep quality in perimenopausal women.

## Natural Help for Menopausal Symptoms

A holistic approach to managing menopausal symptoms involves addressing hormonal imbalances with natural solutions. Progesterone supplementation, administered transmucosally, can help counteract estrogen excess and improve symptoms associated with menopause. A comprehensive healthcare plan, along with dietary modifications, can significantly impact the quality of life for menopausal women.

Frequently Asked Questions

### 1. Is menopause a medical condition that requires treatment?
Menopause is a natural life stage that does not necessarily require medical intervention. However, individual symptoms can benefit from personalized healthcare strategies.

### 2. Are mood changes and depression common during menopause?
Yes, mood changes and depression are prevalent during menopause due to the significant hormonal shifts and impact on brain function.

### 3. What are some natural ways to manage menopausal symptoms?
Natural approaches include progesterone supplementation, dietary modifications, and holistic healthcare plans tailored to individual needs.


Menopause is a complex and unique journey for each woman, requiring personalized approaches to address symptoms effectively. The conventional medical view of menopause may not always align with the lived experiences of women going through this transition. By considering alternative perspectives and adopting holistic healthcare strategies, women can navigate menopause with greater ease and well-being.