Climate Crisis: The Top Priority for the Next President

Climate Crisis: The Top Priority for the Next President

Amidst the chaos of wildfires, hurricanes, and record-breaking heat waves sweeping across the country, the focus on climate change in the 2024 presidential debate was disappointingly lacking. With over 10 percent of Americans no longer having home insurance due to climate risks, the need for a robust climate action plan from presidential candidates is paramount.

During the debate, both candidates fell short in addressing the pressing issue of climate change. Donald Trump’s scattered mention of solar energy and Kamala Harris’s avoidance of banning fracking were underwhelming responses to a crisis that is already at the doorstep for millions of Americans. The moderators’ question about fighting climate change was met with vague answers, showing a concerning lack of urgency from both candidates.

As the next president will inevitably become a climate-disaster president, the need to address climate change and its effects cannot be ignored. With a surge in extreme weather events causing devastation across the country, it is essential for the candidates to outline their plans for aiding communities affected by climate disasters, addressing infrastructure challenges, and supporting firefighting efforts.

While Trump’s stance on climate change is clear with his dismissal of the Paris Agreement and deregulatory policies, Harris’s intentions are clouded with uncertainty. Despite her campaign’s emphasis on environmental justice and public lands protection, her stance on fracking and oil production raises questions about the coherence of her climate policy.

For voters watching from disaster-stricken states, the climate crisis remains a top concern. Climate change has the potential to swing elections, as seen in the impact it had on the 2020 presidential outcome. More than one-third of U.S. voters consider climate change a crucial issue in this election, highlighting the importance of a comprehensive climate action plan from the candidates.

In conclusion, the absence of substantial climate discussion in the presidential debate underscores the urgent need for cohesive and proactive climate policies from the future president. The looming threat of climate disasters demands immediate action, and voters must hold candidates accountable for their plans to address the climate crisis and safeguard the future of our planet.


Q: What were the candidates’ responses to the question about fighting climate change during the debate?
A: Both candidates provided vague and inadequate answers, failing to outline concrete plans to address the pressing issue of climate change.

Q: How important is the climate crisis to U.S. voters in the 2024 election?
A: More than one-third of U.S. voters consider climate change a very important issue in this election, emphasizing the significance of strong climate policies from the candidates.

Q: What are some of the challenges the next president will face regarding climate change?
A: The next president will have to confront increasing extreme weather events, infrastructure strains, and firefighting support, necessitating a robust and comprehensive climate action plan.

Q: How do the candidates’ stances on climate change differ?
A: While Trump has shown reluctance towards climate action and environmental regulations, Harris’s approach to climate policy, especially regarding fracking and oil production, remains ambiguous.