Enhancing Healthcare in Rural Communities with Ambient AI Technology

Enhancing Healthcare in Rural Communities with Ambient AI Technology

Implementing AI technology in smaller community hospitals can be just as impactful as in larger health systems, as highlighted by Julie Demaree, executive director of clinical innovation and transformation at St. Mary’s Hospital in upstate New York. In a recent interview with Healthcare Innovation, Demaree discussed how the hospital integrated Suki’s AI Assistant with their Meditech EHR system to optimize physician documentation and decrease burnout.

While many discussions about AI implementation in healthcare focus on academic medical centers and large health systems, it’s important to recognize the value of these digital tools in smaller community hospitals. Despite having fewer resources, hospitals like St. Mary’s are leveraging technology to drive positive change and improve patient care.

FAQ Section:

Q: Who was involved in the decision-making process for piloting a voice AI assistant at St. Mary’s Hospital?
A: Demaree, along with the physicians and a newly formed physician steering committee, evaluated different vendors and ultimately decided to pilot Suki’s AI Assistant.

Q: What factors influenced the decision to choose Suki for EHR optimization?
A: Demaree was impressed by Suki’s integration with Meditech, the level of customer service, seamless integration process, and ongoing support for physicians post go-live.

Q: What recommendations does Demaree have for other small community hospitals looking to implement AI technology?
A: Demaree emphasizes the importance of providing a demo for physicians, understanding the data and customer service offerings of the vendor, evaluating EHR integration efforts, and considering the scalability and affordability of the solution.


The successful implementation of Suki’s AI Assistant at St. Mary’s Hospital demonstrates the positive impact that AI technology can have on physician efficiency, patient satisfaction, and overall quality of care in smaller healthcare settings. By leveraging innovative solutions like AI assistants, hospitals can streamline documentation processes, decrease physician burnout, and potentially attract and retain healthcare providers. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for all hospitals, regardless of size, to explore and embrace the potential benefits of AI technology in improving healthcare delivery.