CareSource Provides Financial Support to Rural Hospitals in Georgia

CareSource Provides Financial Support to Rural Hospitals in Georgia

The Importance of Collaborative Programs in Rural Healthcare

CareSource, a non-profit Medicaid managed care plan in Georgia, recently launched the Rural Access Advancement Program (RAAP) to provide emergency funding to rural hospitals and skilled nursing facilities facing financial difficulties. Taylor Health Care Group in Cochran, Ga., utilized $750,000 from the program to cover critical vendor payments and sustain the operations of Taylor Regional Hospital. In a recent interview with Healthcare Innovation, Jon Green, CEO of Taylor Healthcare Group, and Jason Bearden, president of CareSource Georgia, discussed the pressing issues surrounding rural healthcare in the Southeast and the objectives of the RAAP program.

Healthcare Innovation: Before we dive into the Rural Access Advancement Program, could you give us an overview of CareSource?

Bearden: CareSource is the sole non-profit Medicaid managed care plan in Georgia, serving 440,000 individuals across all 159 counties, including 400,000 Medicaid and nearly 40,000 Marketplace members.

HCI: Rural hospitals in the U.S. are facing challenges. Can you elaborate on the situation in the Southeast and Georgia?

Bearden: Georgia ranks third in the nation for hospital closures, highlighting the critical importance of rural hospitals to communities. Our goal with the RAAP program is to stabilize the rural hospital ecosystem and prevent further closures.


1. What are the main impacts of rural hospital closures?
The closure of rural hospitals results in limited access to care, economic downturns, and community job losses.

2. How did the idea for the Rural Access Advancement Program come about?
The program was developed through a partnership with Hometown Health, a network of rural hospitals in Georgia, to address cash flow challenges faced by smaller hospitals.

3. What is the significance of collaborative programs like the RAAP in rural healthcare?
Collaborative programs offer financial assistance, stability, and support to ensure the continued operation of essential healthcare facilities in rural areas.

HCI: Jon, can you share the circumstances that led Taylor Health Care Group to benefit from the RAAP program?

Green: Rising costs due to COVID and supply chain disruptions put a strain on rural hospitals like ours. Jason and I collaborated to find innovative solutions to stabilize hospitals facing closure threats.


The collaboration between CareSource and rural healthcare providers like Taylor Health Care Group exemplifies the importance of supporting rural hospitals to maintain access to care and preserve community vitality. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, collaborative programs play a crucial role in ensuring the sustainability and resilience of rural healthcare systems. By prioritizing health equity and community well-being, initiatives like the RAAP program make a significant impact on the long-term success of rural healthcare delivery.