Teri’s Transformation: How She Shed 116 Pounds

Teri’s Transformation: How She Shed 116 Pounds

### New Perspective: From Teri’s Transformation Journey to Empowering Women’s Health

Teri’s incredible journey to prioritize her health and lose 116 pounds naturally is not just a personal achievement but a source of inspiration for women everywhere. Her dedication to avoiding a family history of high blood pressure and diabetes by incorporating intermittent fasting and setting daily step goals of 10,000 to 20,000 steps is truly commendable.

#### FAQs

**Q1: What were the key changes in Teri’s eating and exercise habits?**
Teri started by following a keto diet and eating within an eight-hour window. She then transitioned to OMAD (One Meal a Day), focusing on high protein/low carb meals and eliminating sugar from her diet. Additionally, she incorporated daily walks, gradually increasing her step count to 10,000 and now averaging between 10,000 and 20,000 steps daily.

**Q2: What was Teri’s starting weight and current weight?**
Teri began her weight loss journey at 301 pounds, reached 260 pounds a few years ago, and then successfully dropped down to 185 pounds. Her ultimate goal is to achieve a weight of 170 pounds.

**Q3: What is the biggest lesson Teri learned during her transformation?**
Teri emphasizes the importance of patience and not obsessing over the scale. She advises focusing on progress pictures and finding external motivators like podcasts to stay committed to a healthy lifestyle.

**Q4: What advice does Teri have for women looking to lose weight?**
Teri suggests taking progress pictures, incorporating cardio before breaking a fast, increasing water intake and steps if plateauing, and practicing intermittent fasting to combat insulin resistance.

#### Conclusion

Teri’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact that prioritizing health and well-being can have. Through her dedication to making sustainable changes in her eating and exercise habits, she has not only achieved significant weight loss but also reclaimed control over her health and life. Her story is a beacon of hope for women embarking on their own journey towards better health and self-care.