Got Gut Health? 5 Symptoms of an Unhealthy Gut

Got Gut Health? 5 Symptoms of an Unhealthy Gut

Understanding the root cause of gut problems is vital. The modern lifestyle, with its low movement, and a diet high in processed food, is often to blame. However, diet in gut health. Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and highly processed foods are like may negatively impact in your gut and encourage the growth of .

The good news is that you can likely with some conscious effort. It all starts with awareness and then making small, consistent changes.

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5 Symptoms of Bad Gut Health

It’s a mysterious world, your gut. It contains about , mainly in the form of bacteria, that may significantly contribute to your overall health and happiness.

But how do you know when something’s off in your gut? What symptoms should you be on the lookout for?

Let’s explore six bad gut health symptoms to be aware of. From insomnia to food intolerances, understanding the signs of a troubled gut is the first step in steering your health back on track.

Got Gut Health? 5 Symptoms of an Unhealthy Gut

1. Insomnia or constant fatigue

When your sleep schedule is thrown off by late nights or stress, it’s not just your energy levels that can suffer. This disruption can potentially lead to an , a condition known as microbial dysbiosis. 

This imbalance can affect more than your digestive health; it can —that 24-hour cycle that influences your sleep patterns. 

In this way, sleep and gut health are a two-way street. If you don’t get enough sleep, your gut health may be negatively impacted. And if you have poor gut health, you may have a hard time getting a good night’s rest. 

That’s why a disrupted sleep cycle—often resulting in feelings of insomnia or constant fatigue—may be an indicator of poor gut health.

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene with MyFitnessPal's New Sleep PlanImprove Your Sleep Hygiene with MyFitnessPal's New Sleep Plan

2. Weight fluctuations and stomach issues

An imbalance of gut bacteria can hinder the absorption of nutrients and potentially . And stomach issues like chronic bloating, acid reflux, and gas may hint to an and be a warning signal that something is amiss.

Additionally, gastrointestinal disorders like irritable and can often be related to gut health. Bad bacteria in the intestines can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to abdominal pain and discomfort. 

3. Skin conditions

Experts have linked conditions like . When your gut lining becomes permeable, it is thought that toxins might escape and travel throughout your body, promoting . That’s why it might be worth looking to your gut as a source of the issue when treating skin conditions. Based on this , a healthy gut could potentially lead to healthier skin.

4. Intolerance to some types of foods

If you experience allergic reactions to specific foods—such as swelling, rashes, or difficulty breathing— this could be related to your gut health. A compromised gut can lead to “,” which may make you more susceptible to food allergies and intolerances. 

5. Extreme sugar cravings

Cravings that seem to control you could very well be controlling your gut bacteria instead, suggest some studies. 

For example, done on mice found a link between sugar intake and gut bacteria. This leads to questions on the relationship between human gut microbiota and sugar cravings. 

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Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

Now that you’re more aware of the symptoms of bad gut health, you’re probably wondering how to improve your gut health. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  • Stay hydrated: Water aids in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. for a healthy gut. 
  • Learn how to eat for your gut. Think: a diet rich in whole, . MyFitnessPal’s newest Gut Health Plan provides the do’s (and don’ts!) when it comes to regulating your digestive system and feeding the good bacteria in your gut.
  • Manage stress: Chronic stress can . Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga can help reduce stress, which in turn may improve gut health.
  • Proper antibiotic use: While sometimes necessary, overuse or misuse of the balance of your microbiome gut bacteria. Always consult with a healthcare professional before taking antibiotics.
  • Consider probiotic food sources: Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are , especially your digestive system. They exist in supplements and , like yogurt and fermented foods. It’s important to note that getting probiotics from foods than from supplements.

You can help improve your overall well-being by being mindful of your digestive health and taking steps to improve your gut. Oh, and ’s free 7-day Gut Health Nutrition Plan, coming May 14, 2024, can help, too!